Go hard or go home – Faszination Ultratriathlon – Sportwelt-Verlag
Feeling very honoured to be included in this book by Sportwelt-Verlag (appeared 2018 – where did the years go?!):
November 2018 – and I was very exited to receive the new book “Go hard or go home – Faszination Ultratriathlon” (unfortunately, only in German!) by Swiss ultra-triathlete Daniel Meier and extreme sport enthusiast Iris Hadbawnik / www.sportweltverlag.de fresh from the press! There are a number of ultra-triathletes featured in the chapter “Why – Motivation”, and I happen to be one of them.
For me the book will be a great inspiration to continue and improve my training and preparation at 60+ – still pursuing my dream of an ultra-triathlon Dover to Heidelberg in the nearer future (2020?). I am happy to see how much room the mental and inner preparation is getting in the book – but no wonder, since inner determination, positive outlook, peace and inner strength are definitely needed to allow the body to enter new performance territory!
If you read German, you can order it here: https://www.sportweltverlag.de/shop/ultratriathlon/
It is an inspiring read for anyone envisioning to venture into ultra-sport territory!